Niederhof Farm Museum

General description
The old Niederhof farm, which can still be seen today from the new house and farmstead, was built around 1555, housed two families and was also used as a primary school for the Waldberg district until 1955. 

If you find stories about life on mountain farms in the past and old traditions exciting, the Niederhof farm tour is the right place for you. 

Find out more about the history of the Niederhof and about life as a mountain farmer in the past and today. The farm tour focuses on mountain farming and life as a mountain farmer, while the farm museum takes you back to a time when the farmhouse parlour was the centre of life and gives you an insight into the way farming used to be done. Afterwards there is a joint tasting of the farm produce. Duration: approx. 2-2.5 hours 

Make an appointment with senior farmer Sepp on +39 335 5295 016
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Tourist Info Leifers Branzoll Pfatten
J.-F.-Kennedy-Str. 88
39055 Leifers